New online dashboard for eligible air travel complaint decisions and orders

April 30, 2024 – Gatineau, QC – Canadian Transportation Agency

The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) published today the decisions issued by Complaint Resolution Officers for eligible air travel complaints processed since September 30, 2023. This list of decisions will be updated quarterly.    

The publication of certain information about decisions and orders is required by section 85.14 of the Canada Transportation Act (Act). The dashboard includes the flight number, date of departure, the issue of whether any flight delay, flight cancellation or denial of boarding was within the carrier’s control, was within the carrier’s control but was required for safety reasons or was outside the carrier’s control, and whether or not the CTA ordered the airline to provide compensation or a refund as set out in their tariff, or to provide compensation for expenses incurred.

Personal information about the passengers and specific details about the complaint will not be published, as per the Act.


On June 22, 2023, the Budget Implementation Act, 2023 (BIA) was passed by Parliament which modified the Canada Transportation Act (Act). As a result, the CTA established on September 30, 2023, the new Complaints Resolution Office (CRO), a streamlined processes for administering air travel complaints.

Previously, the dispute resolution process had three stages that culminated in a court-like adjudication during which Members of the CTA, who act like administrative judges and are appointed by the Governor‐in‐Council, weighed the evidence and issued a decision.

In the new process, decision-makers are Complaints Resolution Officers, that is, employees (public servants) of the CTA. They deal with the entire dispute resolution process including issuing a legally binding decision.

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